Tuesday, June 22, 2004

(Relatively) Quick Update

Oops. Haven't posted for a while. Well, only 3 days, actually. They've just been an extremely loooong 3 days.
Sunday was pretty boring really. We went to church, which was fine, but then I had nothing to do for the afternoon or evening. And Mum was adamant when I was begging her at 10pm that she was not going to come out into the garden, light lots of candles, build a bonfire and dance round it with me going "Aiaiaiaiaia!" to celebrate Summer Solstice. Which I thought was very boring of her, but you know. And then I was going to get up to see the dawn, but decided I was too tired. I woke up at about 5:30 anyway, but that's not the point. Although it was annoying.
Oo, random fact I found out - at Summer Solstice in Sweden, they whack each other round the head with plastic hammers!! Weird yet probably very fun!!
Nothing exciting happened on Monday except we got given the title for our English coursework essay on poetry. Something to do with comparing 2 William Blake poems, which no matter what Mr. Howard says I do not find particularly optimistic - lines like "babes reduc'd to misery" don't strike me as immensely happy. But anyway, its kind of boring, and we're going to have to do about 5 different analysises on each line, but I suppose it could be worse. And it does mean we won't be doing much else in our Lit lessons.
Today, I bought a birthday present for Jonny Darley. I was going to buy it yesterday, but then we got grounded, so I had to wait...
Anyway, my friend Sophie and I clubbed together, and in the end (it is so hard getting presents for boys! Why do they have to be so difficult? I mean, toiletries and make-up are off the list basically straight away - we hope!) we got him some Heroes and a Shelly birthday doll that's really sweet. We were bored! We got this really cool Barbie card as well, its really huge and all glittery...
Anyway, I'd better stop writing now and start getting my stuff together for tomorrow, because I'm going to Southampton Sports Day. I don't think I'll win, but it should be fun. Wish me luck!!