Monday, June 11, 2007

8 things

Well, I have decided to come out of blog retirement as my dear sister has tagged me to do this! I had vowed not to post on here any longer, but if I don't then I'll probably have to do some work so here goes:
8 things about me - not quite sure if they have to have the number 8 in them, but that way does seem more fun...

1) In 8 days time I will have finished my A Levels!
2) I am 8 years younger than my nearest sister Miriam
3) Last night I ate 8 pieces of chocolate (wow I got the sound 'eight'/'ate' into that sentence twice! How exciting!)
4) I have so far been writing this for 8 minutes... (does that count?!)
5) On average I drink 8 cups of tea a day
6) I was 8 years old when I first became an auntie to my lovely niece Anna :)
7) 8 is twice the number of written exams I have for my A2 courses (quite lucky there aren't I...)
8) I really do not think the number 8 plays a very large role in my life

Well there we go! I had to abandon this post and spend the whole afternoon thinking of the last four facts, but we just about got there!
Not quite sure who there is left who'll actually respond to my tagging, so I'll join Sarah with Miriam, and also tag both Mark and Heidi. If I did it then I'm sure the rest of you can manage it too!

Friday, February 16, 2007

One Big Weekend

OK, I am quite impressed - it has only just been over a week since I posted. Two posts in a week is unbelievable!
I am not going to bother writing lots about my birthday meal because you can read it on Mim's blog, but we had a really lovely time on Saturday night; thank you all for coming!
Since then I have been to One Big Weekend, which is the OCC youth weekend away. The name irritates me quite a lot, because we go from Sunday evening until Wednesday morning, so it's not really a weekend at all! I did suggest we change the name to One Big Half a Week, but I was outvoted!
It was a really good time actually; the atmosphere was very pleasant and relaxed and everyone got on well together. We also had a really good time God-wise, so that was encouraging. It was nice to see so many people that I haven't seen in ages - in particular current or ex-King's Schoolers with whom I've sort of lost contact.
I got back on Wednesday afternoon (we got quite lost going there and back, so the journeys took about twice as long as they should have done, but never mind!) and then mum and dad left for Carcassonne in France at about 3am on Thursday. Needless to say I didn't get up to wave them off. So now I am looking after Ben until Sunday, which is not exactly difficult (and even if it were he has rehearsals for most of this week). I am currently debating whether I have the energy to walk into Botley to do the shopping, or whether I should send him off with a list instead. Hmm.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Arthur the Snowman

Well, quite a lot has happened since I last posted! Most excitingly, it was my 18th birthday on Monday - yay! I had a fantastic day; thank you to everyone who bought me presents!
Only slightly less excitingly, today we had no school because of the amazing snow. Therefore in what was a very mature fashion we went sledging and built the biggest snowman I have ever made! We named him Arthur and he is easily 8ft high. We were quite impressed with ourselves! I know I would say it, but the photo really doesn't do Arthur justice. He is a formidable sight :)
I hope the farmer whose field we used doesn't mind too much - and also that the poor passer by we nabbed to take a photo of us wasn't too scared!
Arthur the snowman!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Six Weird Things

OK, I give up - after being tagged by Sarah, Heidi and Mim, I suppose it's really time I did this!

Each player of this game starts with the ’six weird things about you’ blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.

1) I eat Marmite and cheese sandwiches every day (as in Philadelphia-style cheese, rather than cheddar).

2) When I'm at home on my own in the evenings, I often become absolutely certain that there's a burglar/some sort of criminal in the house, and so have to grab the nearest heavy object (very often a book) to use as a weapon and I carry it round in front of me whilst entering or leaving any room. After I've convinced myself that there really is no burglar, I still feel obligated to take said weapon (or book) with me wherever I go, because otherwise if a burglar did come, I would be weaponless.

3) I have a fascination with the rain and often go out dancing in it.

4) If I realise once I'm in bed that I've forgotten to do something during the day, I will pick up a handy object and chuck it in the general direction of something I'll definitely need the next morning in the hope of remembering it. For example, if I forgot my homework I would pick up a nail file and throw it into my shoes so that the next morning when I found a nail file in my shoes I'd remember that I had some homework to do.

5) I'm obsessed with faeries and all things magical.

6) I have to have everything in alphabetic order (i.e. books and films). All the books in my room are in order, all the hundreds of books that my dad's inherited over the years are in order, when I have my way all the books in my brother's room are in order... a couple of years ago I even spent about half an hour ordering my friend's brother's DVDs (there were hundreds; it was really fun!) during a New Year's Eve party.

Tagging: Harriet, but I very much doubt she'll do it
Sophie, but the same applies
Everyone else has already done it!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Bumbling Week

Well, for most of this week I've really done very little!
Today was Ruth Elmitt (well now Hettler)'s wedding, and that was amazing. She looked gorgeous and the ceremony was really special and it was all just brilliant! I did spend most of the service trying to keep the McCobb children from being too noisy, but it was still great.
Last Tuesday I went into town and got caught in the torrential rains and was soaked through so much that I had to buy a new top and caught a chill! Think that's been the most interesting thing I've done!
I have sorted out all my school stuff (hip hip hooray) so that I'm ready to go back next week. And Ben is getting baptised tomorrow, which should be really good. All my family are coming round as well which will be fun :)
Oh, I have just wrecked my feet by chasing after my parents' car on gravel with no shoes on because I realised they had my glasses. I don't believe they didn't see me waving and chasing them ALL THE WAY down Hurst Lane. I mean, I know I'm only learning and all, but I'm pretty sure Dad should have checked in his mirror at least once ;)

Monday, August 21, 2006


Because I got 4 As in my AS levels!!!! Hooray!! I'm really really pleased - well obviously - and a little surprised. I only just scraped through with my German; you need 240 points for an A and I got 241. Close.
Anyway, I'm very happy :)
I haven't got much to do until we go back to school, except of course all the holiday homework I've been putting off. So I'm just meeting up with people in town and things like that. Nice and relaxed really.
Anyway, that's all for now, but I'll try and post again before another 2 months have elapsed!

Friday, July 07, 2006

My illness

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Cause:genetic mutation
Symptoms:glowing in the dark, extremely polka-dot blotches, dancing, sneezing
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis: