Friday, March 31, 2006

School is over!

Is pretty much all I have to say.
I had a very fun day today actually. It was sad because I had to say goodbye to my German language assistant as she left today. She was truly lovely, so it's a shame that's she going, but I'm sure we'll stay in contact.
History was fun as always, and in my free and lunchtime I went to Costa Coffee for hot chocolate and then to Sainsbury's, just because. It was a lovely day and it's great to be able to walk around without tons of layers on. Having said that, we did get caught in the torrential downpour this afternoon! Luckily we were just at the bus-stop so it was alright - actually I love that kind of weather! If I hadn't been about to sit on a bus for half an hour I think I would have been running around madly :)
Our German lesson today was also really fun; we played Easter games on an interactive whiteboard from the Linguascope website. The girls won, go us! To be fair we had double the amount of people, but that's completely irrevelent as we obviously would have won no matter how many of us there were.
And now I am exhausted and have a truckload of work to do over Easter - but at least it's the holidays!!! Wooo!!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Random Stuff

I'm very excited today, I got my 'Henry V' English coursework mark back - 20 out of 20!! Woohoo!!
Aside from that Dad came home, which is also good! He's been off travelling around Africa again, and I have to admit that I thought he was away for another week until yesterday (I have completely given up on trying to follow his plans) so it was nice to see him today.
I went to an Oxbridge conference at Cheltenham Racecourse yesterday. It was quite informative, but quite a lot of the speakers should never have been let anywhere near microphones. They also didn't give us any official breaks which, when we're expected to sit through six hours of lectures on the trot, is not brilliant. Luckily one of the sessions ended a bit early; otherwise I may actually have died. The seats were also uncomfortable and it was very stuffy, but there was some good information and it made a change to my normal regime. I'm very confused now though, as I am anytime one day out of my routine changes. I suppose it just goes to show how monotonous my life is!
But now there's only 3 days of school left. Youpi!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Oral Exams and Campaigns!

This has possibly been my busiest week in a very, very long time!
I've mainly been so busy because I've had both my mock oral exams, French yesterday and then German today. They both went really well actually; I find them really fun! The French I wasn't too worried about, although I did speak a bit fast I think. She said she really enjoyed talking to me though which is good. I was quite anxious about my German, because I didn't have my presentation nailed until this morning. In the end it went really well, even if my tenses were very skewiff in places! My French was about Napoleon Bonaparte and my German was about Martin Luther, so they're not very easy to talk about for ten minutes. We managed though, wooo!
The other reason why I've been busy is because of my Head Girl campaign at Henry Box. It's impossible to be on the School Council unless you stand for Head Girl/Boy, because the six people with the most votes form the council. I would quite like to be on the council - or even Head Girl, but that's never going to happen - so I agreed to go for it. Little did I know how seriously it would be taken! It has actually scared me how serious some people have become about it. I don't think it's healthy, to be honest! Anyway, I find out tomorrow how I fared (there are 23 candidates and as I still don't know everyone I'm not exceedingly hopeful, but you never know) so any prayers would be welcome!
And if you're interested, here's my campaign poster - I won't bore you with my manifesto. Suffice to say everyone found my initials incredibly amusing, so I decided to play on them with my friend's advice...


Thursday, March 16, 2006


Yesterday I went to Munga - or in other words, Model United Nations General Assembly.
What this means is that lots of schools pick countries to represent in teams of three, and go to the assembly (held in Kidlington) as that country, and debate topical issues from their point of view.
I represented Angola with my friends Heidi and Rachel, and I really enjoyed myself! I was quite scared before the day began, because I had to speak in front of quite a lot of people and I wasn't sure if I had enough information, but it turned out that I had more than enough.
The first debate - plenary or whatever it's called! - was held with everyone together, but only one spokesperson from each country, so Rachel represented us. The debate was over climate change and global warming, and although interesting this wasn't the best part of the day because, since all countries had been told to write a statement for their viewpoint on climate change, most people simply read out their statements and we didn't get very far really.
For the second part, we split into 3 different debates - Malaria and HIV/AIDs, Fair Trade and Landmines. I was in the landmines debate. This was the part that had really shocked me actually, because before agreeing to do this I didn't even know where Angola was, and it is a country in need of desperate help. Up to 20 million landmines are suspected to be under the soil, but they were not marked so nobody knows where. A 28 year civil war finished in 2002, and therefore the country is still unstable. 150-200 new landmine casualties occur every week, and half of these are children. As you can see, I had a lot to talk about. It really is appalling that no one will give sufficient aid to countries like Angola. It is true that the government is corrupt, but this is not the fault of the people and they are the ones dying from starvation and explosions.
Henry Box submitted two teams this year, Angola and Iraq. The landmine debate was very amusing, because my friend Chris, who represented Iraq, had not been able to find out anything about Iraq's stance on landmines. He therefore decided to be as controversial as possible, and it was hilarious because many countries' contributions started with, "In reply to Iraq's statement," or "I must argue with Iraq" and so on. I think he enjoyed himself quite a lot.
For lunch, we had been told there was lunch provided but actually there wasn't. Luckily we could walk easily into Kidlington, where we found a nice little café and had tea and sandwiches! We felt very proper and English :)
In the afternoon we had an emergency debate, with a situation they'd concocted for us, which was quite fun because we had to network round all the different countries and try and gain allies, so that when we voted we would be in the majority. Unfortunately, we weren't!
We then had to vote on resolutions we had drawn up in our separate debates, which was all fun enough, and that was the end!
It was very enjoyable, and it certainly made me think about issues I might not usually think about from all ends of the spectrum. I think I can probably comment more knowledgably about UN procedures now as well!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Uniform Day

Oops - haven't written on here in quite a while!
Yesterday our Sixth Form had a uniform day, because all the lower school was having a non-uniform day for Charities' Week. So there I was in my old King's School uniform, hooray! It was quite fun actually, but I really did feel a lot smaller and undeserving with my uniform on. Very strange!
Today I was supposed to be going to a Soul Sista conference in London, but I've had to cancel at the last minute because I have so much work. I'm really gutted about that actually! So instead I shall be restructuring my entire French oral, trying to find out about Angola for a Model United Nations General Assembly thing I agreed to go to; no idea why, and also trying to remember everything about the book we studied in English Lit at the beginning of the year because we're restarting it next week. I also need to sleep, because I'm absolutely exhausted!
So there we go, hope everyone else is going to have a more interesting day than that...