Oral Exams and Campaigns!
This has possibly been my busiest week in a very, very long time!
I've mainly been so busy because I've had both my mock oral exams, French yesterday and then German today. They both went really well actually; I find them really fun! The French I wasn't too worried about, although I did speak a bit fast I think. She said she really enjoyed talking to me though which is good. I was quite anxious about my German, because I didn't have my presentation nailed until this morning. In the end it went really well, even if my tenses were very skewiff in places! My French was about Napoleon Bonaparte and my German was about Martin Luther, so they're not very easy to talk about for ten minutes. We managed though, wooo!
The other reason why I've been busy is because of my Head Girl campaign at Henry Box. It's impossible to be on the School Council unless you stand for Head Girl/Boy, because the six people with the most votes form the council. I would quite like to be on the council - or even Head Girl, but that's never going to happen - so I agreed to go for it. Little did I know how seriously it would be taken! It has actually scared me how serious some people have become about it. I don't think it's healthy, to be honest! Anyway, I find out tomorrow how I fared (there are 23 candidates and as I still don't know everyone I'm not exceedingly hopeful, but you never know) so any prayers would be welcome!
And if you're interested, here's my campaign poster - I won't bore you with my manifesto. Suffice to say everyone found my initials incredibly amusing, so I decided to play on them with my friend's advice...

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