Sunday, December 04, 2005

Seven Things

Well I suppose I'm going to get coerced into doing this, one way or another, so I may as well do it now!

Seven things to do before I die:
1. Get old!
2. Get married and have kids - lots!
3. Write at least one book
4. Move to France
5. Time travel
6. Meet faeries
7. Help combat poverty, as far as I can

Seven things I cannot do:
1. Walk in a straight line
2. Geography, of any sort at all
3. Stand people talking French in an English accent
4. Like my sister, write with my right hand
5. Resist chocolate
6. Live with any sort of mess
7. Stop talking!

Seven things that attract me to my spouse:
Hmm...not applicable!!

Seven things I say most often:
1. You must be mad
2. I know!
3. Oui (I detect a French vibe in my answers)
4. Please/Thank you
5. Sorry
6. Hello (my brother says I say a sound similar to "hiyee" rather than hello, but there we go!)
7. Only (however many) days till Christmas!

Seven Books I love:
1. The Ordinary Princess by M.M.Kaye
2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
3. The Old Kingdom Trilogy by Garth Nix
4. This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti
5. I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
6. The Narnia Chronicles by C.S.Lewis
7. The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Seven Movies I would watch over and over again:
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. The Little Mermaid
3. Beauty and the Beast
4. The Princess Bride
5. The Sound of Music
6. A Matter of Life and Death
7. Lord of the Rings/Star Wars - I was split

Seven people I would like to join in too:
1. Harriet
2. Benj - as if!
3. Sophie
4. Mim
5. Mark and Heidi - my list is becoming similar to Sarah's!
6. Anna
7. Abbie

Well that's taken me far longer than it ought to have done, I found it really tough! I am just far too indecisive!