Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What on earth have you done to Mr Darcy?

That's by far the best line in the whole film, I reckon.
Well, Pride and Prejudice was better than I'd expected! Keira still wasn't brilliant in my opinion, and didn't pull off the razor sharp Lizzie wit thing very well at all, but there was nothing wrong with her performance and she didn't make the film terrible. Matthew MacFayden (or something like that) was good as Darcy, I liked him, even if he did have a tendency to talk very fast or mumble in important scenes! The first half was a bit slow but the second half was far better. There were some very odd parts, for instance when the screen randomly went flickery orangey red for no apparent reason, for about 5 seconds, then Lizzie woke up. Hmm. By far the worst moment was during a dance, when I think the director was trying to show that for a moment it seemed like they were the only people in the room, and so took away all the other dancers. What actually happened, was we all sat there going, "Hey! All the people disappeared! Where did they go?" So not very successful really. I was disappointed that they didn't have the double wedding scene at the end - in fact it ended with Mr Bennett laughing maniacally - but overall I enjoyed it, and will probably buy it when it comes out on DVD.
There was lovely scenery and a brilliant musical score, so you could go just for that if you wanted to! We got free posters as well :)

Apart from that I haven't been doing much save school. Sunday was fun, celebration then looking after gorgeous little Townsend kiddies while Neil and Dee talked to mum and dad, although it did mean that homework was once again pushed to the side.
School is generally good at the moment, although it can still be daunting at times. I got a locker yesterday which means I don't have to lug my dictionaries around anymore. My back was actually starting to continually ache so it's a very good thing.
I usually finish at one o'clock on Tuesdays, but today we found out at about 11 o'clock - completely by accident, no one had actually told us until someone just happened to ask - that they were swapping our timetable around so lunch would be earlier and I wouldn't finish till 2. I wouldn't have minded this at all if it wasn't for the fact that they hadn't even bothered to tell us, which was really aggravating, especially as I was going to use this afternoon to do homework. So anyway, at 2 it didn't seem worth wasting money on the bus so I went to King's and helped with Yrs 7 and 8 hockey; great fun! We did reverse stick today :)
So I'm trying to psyche myself up into doing some work right now but failing, I guess it will just have to wait till after tea...