Sunday, August 07, 2005

Summer Swinging Along!

Well, have had a nice couple of days here!
Yesterday I didn't do anything except learn to play my really cool wind instrument I bought in China. I don't know what it's called! I could post a picture actually, but I can't be bothered at present, so it might come later.
Talking of cameras (well almost talking of cameras), we got a new camera yesterday! It's a newer version of our older one, which had broken, and (this is the really funky part) it came free with one of those printers which you place the camera on then you get a photo straight away! How cool is that?!
So today there was church; I was on creche which is always good fun. And today, major achievement, I managed to feed Naomi Townsend without getting food everywhere! She wasn't even wearing a bib, either! Seriously, for me that is a very big deal; it's hard enough me trying to keep myself clean when I eat let alone me trying to keep babies clean :)
After church I went round to Steve Hipwell's house for a barbecue - it had been meant as a 'meet the new church leadership team' lunch but no one could make it, so Steve just invited his friends instead. It was cool because my friend Lizzie got to come along, and she only knew me before so it was nice for her to get to meet other Oxford folk as well. She's only been coming to OCC for a short while, so doesn't know many people yet. And I found out today that when she was younger (she used to live at Eton because her dad taught Physics) she managed to shove Prince William out of her way at their 4th June regata thingy, push Prince Harry into a gungy thing for a charity event, AND she used to do ballet with Princess Beatrice who she said was horrible and they used to fight each week. Pretty impressive record!
Oh, and really random point here, the Hipwells had this absolutely gorgeous toffee and pecan roulard, it was soooo nice! But probably so bad for me. O well.
Anyway, after that I had to come home and pack because we're going off on holiday somewhere random tomorrow - I think it's Sussex but I could be wrong. Have just managed to persuade Dad that I really do need the amount of clothes I've put in the van!
But after that we're off to 28:18, our church camp this year, and yes I do agree the title's stupid! So probably no blogging from me for another couple of weeks - have a fun summer everyone!!