Monday, October 17, 2005

Holidays are getting nearing!

I discovered today that I finish at 12 this Friday because my teacher is away, and there's an inset day the Monday after half term, so my holiday is just getting longer and longer! It's fantastic!
Sorry about the long absence, I find I'm increasingly busy, and also I spent last weekend staying at Mark and Heidi's, which was brilliant fun, thank you again for having me! I probably hindered Caleb's development by letting him watch far too much TV on Saturday when I was looking after him, but it was the Iron Giant, which is so good and I hadn't seen it in so long, so you know, sometimes it's worth it...
I'm reading The Time Traveler's Wife at the moment; anyone else read it? It's really good and very interesting, although it does have it's weirder moments. But I'd recommend it to anyone who wants something to read, if you're looking!
So apart from that and counting the minutes until it's holiday and we go down to visit the Clarkes, I'm not up to much, but I'll keep you all updated on any progress!