Monday, June 27, 2005

Leavers' Assembly

Was absolutely brilliant!
What happens is as follows:
First of all there's a short time of worship, which is always good. After that, the departing Y11s scatter round the hall and all the younger years come and pray or prophesy for them. It's really touching, actually, because you can see which people you've influenced or encouraged over your school life, and their prayers really mean a lot. All my Y7 Youth Alpha group came straightaway to pray for me, which really got me actually - it's lovely to see that they really do appreciate all we did!
After that everyone except the Y10s leave, then we split into small groups of about 6 Y11s in each. They get in all the good prophets from the churches and then you have a time (going round each person in the group) where everyone gives their words and prophesies for you. It's amazing how clearly God can speak, and I really appreciated it. People gave me some amazing words, about my future, using my strength as a caring and also different person for God and one which I particularly liked about me, Edd and Jonny's lives being intertwined - basically meaning we're going to stay in contact, which I think is cool!
I just want to thank everyone who prophesied for me, your words really meant a lot and you're all brilliant!!
I also like having the chance to give words to other people, because as I've been in the same class as them for up to 12 years (!) it's nice to be able to give just a little back.
Additionally, we get to speak into a little dictaphone, which is fun.
Anyway, off from my high, I'm trying to work out how to use Flickr as I finally have some photos from my trip to Germany which may or may not be posted soon, depending on how succesful I am!