Saturday, September 25, 2004

Humdrum Life

Oopsydaisy, haven't written a while!
Not much has happened though, really. School is as ever; we had the reunion weekend which was suitably manic, fun and exhausting. I did manage to spill wax all down my trousers at the alumni thing, but no worries it scraped off.
Y11 took the assembly yesterday, and I am pleased to announce that it went far better than last time. The worship we'd actually practised for and sounded good, the drama we did was together, the Y10s who are going to France this week were dutifully prayed for, and Eddy Graham who spoke was excellent. Yay! Oh yeh, and we had a really odd ice breaker from our Mexican student Oscar - you had to taste different types of chilli powder or definitely broke the ice! It was fun though, and even Mr Blakey said our worship was good so it must have been OK!
Apart from that, nothing has been happening. Nothing is happening today either, except I have to go down to the library this morning but that only takes about 10mins. And I might go round to see my friend's new puppy this afternoon. Apparently its gorgeous.
Oh, and there's always that RS homework I've been putting off...