After a very, very long holiday...
...I have returned!
Well OK, no holiday really, but I may as well start writing on here again. Just couldn't be bothered for a while, but we'll see how long I last this time! :)
Today was my first GCSE written exam - German listening. (It's classed as written, anyway!) It was OK, a bit surreal to be honest. It doesn't seem like I've done a GCSE; just felt like normal school or a mock paper. I don't think I did too badly, although there was one question where I thought this woman was going to buy her husband a pipe and everyone else thought it was clothes! Whoops! I have English Lit tomorrow - although I already have 50% complete! - which is an hour and a half, but shouldn't be too bad. I'm optimistic at the moment, just don't catch me in a couple of weeks!
I am definitely not going to bother trying to catch up with everything I've missed - life has been bumbling along at a lovely pace, same as usual really. I'm on study leave at the moment which is quite fun, doing work of course but also going to the cinema to see Star Wars (very good), going shopping (it was almost necessary), almost burning the house down trying to resurrect a candle (not quite so necessary) and - you know - normal stuff!
Anyway, I'm off to revise RS philosophy - joy of joys! I've got nothing to complain about though really, so ignore me, and at least I'm alive.
Hopefully, will write again relatively soon!
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