Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Murder Mystery

Well, Jonny's party was great fun. Everyone's costumes were really cool. The Indians (I should probably say Native Americans but hey) all had feathers and stitched waistcoats and stuff, the cowboys all had boots, checkered shirts and hats, and the businesspeople were all smart and suit-ish. I was very pleased with myself because I completed all the aims in my envelope, and I must at least have done the 'make sure everyone knows Clem (the sales rep from my rival company) for the low-down, dirty double crosser he is' one right, because in the last half hour when people could die, he had about 10 people lining up to kill him!! It was very amusing actually, and you killed people by playing rock-paper-scissors. I also managed to get the land for South West Rail, as well as make an ethically sound deal (my character was very ethical!) that everyone was pleased with. I also managed to find out who'd murdered (or at least beaten up until he had a heart attack) the ranch owner, which I was pleased about as last time I did one of these none of us had a clue! You also had these 'ability cards' which meant that after you'd talked to someone for, say, 5 minutes they'd have to show you a secret or something. Only the boys (OK, some of the boys) always claimed you hadn't been talking for 5 minutes yet and would try and escape so I'd be trying to run round the small gap behind the tent whilst attempting not to fall into the holes or onto the roots in my high heels. Which was fun.
And Jonny seemed to really like his Barbie present!! Well, OK, he found it amusing anyway.
One of the most fun things was double-dealing and blackmailing people (I think I should become a professional blackmailer!!) and trying to work out who was lying to you. I have no idea what D (as Judge Paulson) was doing but he was making deals with everyone then the next minute he wouldn't even know you! Irritating, yet funny.
It was a good job Saturday was interesting because nothing much happened on either Sunday or Monday. I had an opticians appointment yesterday, and he did the usual put orange dye in my eye then turn my eyelids inside out, which is horrid but I'm becoming more used to. And we've been given 3 weeks to do our maths coursework so everyone is frantically thinking up questionnaires.
Not much else going on here, I'm still obsessing over Wimbledon though. Sprem went out today! I don't believe it! She's like the coolest player ever and her match with Venus rocked. Plus she makes me laugh. I spent all yesterday evening watching Tim's match I couldn't tear myself away. And he kept on losing all these easy points where he could have won the whole match so simply, and then with the tie break -
I was finding it hard not to grab a cushion. That is really sad.
But yeah, to summarise the last few days: Murder Mysteries rock, so does Wimbledon, Coursework doesn't.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Southampton Sports and Other Random Stuff

Hmm, Steve, that is a good point about Jonny reading my blog, I hadn't thought of it, but don't worry, I don't think he will. And his party's tonight, wahey! It should be really fun, as long as I can work out what's going on!
Anyway: Wednesday. I wrote a long post about it on Thursday, but when I was about a sentence from the end my computer crashed so I went and watched Wimbledon instead. Sprem is the coolest player ever!! I am majorly addicted to Wimbledon actually, its slightly worrying. I mean, I never cared this much about the football - I was laughing on Thursday night!! I thought it was very ironical. But I was also scared because everyone else bar Mim in the room was jumping up and screaming at every goal. It was terrifying.
But that wasn't what I was talking about. I did very badly in my shot on Wednesday. I got a metre less than I got last week, and if I had got the same score I'd got last week, I would have won. Grrrr. And overall, we did really badly, we didn't even come 2nd, we were 3rd. And even though it wasn't raining, it was FREEZING. So much so that one of my friends who shall remain nameless took to standing in very distorted positions under the hand dryer in the girl's loos just to warm herself up. Talking of the loos, they were disgusting. Worse than ours, and that's saying something. They even had that horrid plastic toilet paper. I've never been so glad I had tissues with me in my life. (Come to think of it that's a lie: I was more glad I had tissues when we were in Prague and my new sandals were rubbing and we had no plasters so I had to pad out my shoes with the tissues. And then do it again 5 minutes later, because the tissues disintegrated!!)
Nothing much happened on Thursday, we got given our Data Handling Maths Coursework, but that's basically it. The coursework doesn't look too bad, only I get confused with Data Handling and never know which graph I should use when.
Yesterday I went to a Bobby Ball evening at our church. He's one half of Canon and Ball, who apparently used to be very famous but I am too young to have ever heard of them! ;) It was fun because loads of my friends were there (the only reason they all came was because Amy and I practically forced them, but that's not the point!) only for some reason they'd decided to sit at the front (which meant, seeing as how we'd told them to come, we really had to sit there too) which put them directly in the firing line of lots of Bobby's comments. It was funny though because he ignored us and just concentrated on the boys!
And the boys had this Kaliber drinking contest, because there was loads there and they found it disgusting, which was very amusing. I think the record was 16 gulps.
I'd better stop typing now because we have people to lunch and I'm being kind of antisocial, but I'll write again soon about Jonny's party and whether anyone actually managed to find the murderer. (And whether my company - South West Railways - managed to win the railroad war!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

(Relatively) Quick Update

Oops. Haven't posted for a while. Well, only 3 days, actually. They've just been an extremely loooong 3 days.
Sunday was pretty boring really. We went to church, which was fine, but then I had nothing to do for the afternoon or evening. And Mum was adamant when I was begging her at 10pm that she was not going to come out into the garden, light lots of candles, build a bonfire and dance round it with me going "Aiaiaiaiaia!" to celebrate Summer Solstice. Which I thought was very boring of her, but you know. And then I was going to get up to see the dawn, but decided I was too tired. I woke up at about 5:30 anyway, but that's not the point. Although it was annoying.
Oo, random fact I found out - at Summer Solstice in Sweden, they whack each other round the head with plastic hammers!! Weird yet probably very fun!!
Nothing exciting happened on Monday except we got given the title for our English coursework essay on poetry. Something to do with comparing 2 William Blake poems, which no matter what Mr. Howard says I do not find particularly optimistic - lines like "babes reduc'd to misery" don't strike me as immensely happy. But anyway, its kind of boring, and we're going to have to do about 5 different analysises on each line, but I suppose it could be worse. And it does mean we won't be doing much else in our Lit lessons.
Today, I bought a birthday present for Jonny Darley. I was going to buy it yesterday, but then we got grounded, so I had to wait...
Anyway, my friend Sophie and I clubbed together, and in the end (it is so hard getting presents for boys! Why do they have to be so difficult? I mean, toiletries and make-up are off the list basically straight away - we hope!) we got him some Heroes and a Shelly birthday doll that's really sweet. We were bored! We got this really cool Barbie card as well, its really huge and all glittery...
Anyway, I'd better stop writing now and start getting my stuff together for tomorrow, because I'm going to Southampton Sports Day. I don't think I'll win, but it should be fun. Wish me luck!!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Assemblies and Guinea Pigs

Well, yesterday was, um...interesting.
We - Y10 - were leading assembly for the first time. Things got off to a good start in the run up when no one (including the boy supposed to be overseeing the organisation!!) except me and 3 others turned up to the planning meeting. So we drafted together a rough plan but the teachers didn't know whether we were leading this week or next. In fact, they told us on Thursday. Helpful.
So on Thursday lunchtime we sorted everything out, practised a small sketch for the first time, and sorted out who was playing in the worship. Or so I thought.
I turned up on Friday to play my flute, thinking that Ed Graham was leading the worship. However, it turned out he wasn't even playing, so there we were 5 minutes before the assembly started trying to sort out the songs, who was doing what, and what the heck we were going to do without a leader. The answer? Muck it up. Its harder than you think trying to lead worship on your flute, especially if you have no idea what you're doing as that was the one thing you'd completely left to someone else.
For instance, we were singing In Christ Alone at one point. One of the singers hadn't ever heard the song before, so when I start doing the twiddly flute bit for an intro, they started singing. So I stopped, she goes 'I don't know the song!' and so I end up singing the first verse instead of playing, only then I play the twiddly bit in between verses, and they start singing again! At which point I was about to give up on the flute when Sophie (thank you SO much!) came to my rescue and walked up the front to sing, letting me play flute again. But I gave up on the twiddly bit.
Anyway, think of that happening for 4 songs, and you'll see why I was kind of alternately laughing and cringing the whole way through. But hey. It was, at least so I thought, pretty hilarious, but I think other people found it less funny and more embarrassing than me.
Also, there was a new boy visiting the school for the first time. Interesting introduction to the school!! Poor kid he'll think all our assemblies are terrible. Especially as the drama didn't go particularly well either. Although a couple of people did respond to the prayer thing, but only after we'd sent D Timms over to look as though he was responding, so that the other people didn't have to be the first. It worked!!
Oh, he got a big cheer when he came on as the whale who ate Jonah, as well. He always gets the stupid parts, but everyone loves him, so it works great. We had him as the iceberg that sank the Titanic, once. That was excellent.
Anyway, the rest of the day was pretty mundane. We played squash again, which is really fun, only I'm absolutely pants! And my head goes funny from all the echoing!!
Oh yes, I forgot to say, interesting photo you chose, Sarah!! I don't remember when that was taken, do you?
I've just finished helping Mum give our guinea pig Gem her medicine! She's got some sort of mite on her, which apparently usually doesn't affect them at all, only when they're stressed and upset. Which I find quite sweet, as we had to put Gem's sister down about 3 weeks ago. She must be grieving. But we had to wash her with medicated shampoo this morning, which was a new experience. It wasn't too bad in the end, to be fair, but at the beginning the poor thing wasn't particularly happy. Anyway, I hope she gets better soon, because we're having to give her a syringeful of medicine twice a day and she doesn't like the taste. At all.
We're having my nephew Caleb over this evening because his parents are going to Banbury with a German exchange group. That's a new one. But anyway, he's really sweet and we love him, so I'd better go because I think - possibly, maybe - he's coming soon.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Well, a slightly more eventful day today.
It started off boring, but then we got a big telling off for messing around on the buses on the way to the Junior site for Games. We were being loud and signalling to the van behind us etc, nothing particularly terrible, but the driver complained which I can kind of understand. Only now their terrible punishment is to ground us to the school for 2 lunchtimes - tomorrow and Monday. The thing is those 2 lunchtimes are like our shortest ones, and practically none of us go out every single lunchtime a week anyway... Also, they grounded our year and the year below, but the year below aren't allowed out anyway!! Interesting.
But it made us laugh, anyway. Which I don't think is the point, but whatever.
Oo, big event today, I actually watched (well ok, half watched half read) a whole game of football! Which is doubly surprising seeing as how the match I watched was England playing, and I'm supporting Italy! ;)
Anyway I'd better go now as its taken me an age to write this since I only had one hand as the other was holding the phone!! Not my fault!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Which is probably not the best thing, really, if you intend to keep a blog. But it has just taken me about half an hour to actually set our stupid computer up since it kept freezing. Idiotic machine. It thinks its so clever, sticking on me like that...
I got told today that I absolutely have to go to Southampton Sports Day next Wednesday, which is an event for about 5 Christian schools to compete together. Well, OK, so they didn't say in as many words I CAN'T go, but my teacher was doing that 'it'd really bless me if you served in this way...' Basically, you're going so stuff it. Although I only have to do Shot, so it'll only take about 10 minutes out of my whole day, so I get the whole day off to do not a lot, which is cool. And we might be able to beat Basingstoke this year, as it really is our turn. They're like our arch-enemy, by the way. I practised all Games lesson today (well OK, all lesson I wasn't sunbathing or talking) and my best score so far is 7m60, which just for all of you who have no idea - in our school at least - is pretty good. I was pleased, anyway.
It was a gorgeous day today, consequently I spent all afternoon lazing around in the garden as it was so hot. Although I only just managed to persuade Ben that a water fight really wasn't such a good idea, but it would have been OK, because Mum was on my side.
Well, now that Sarah's sorted out my comment times, you can all say something to liven up this relatively boring post!!
I shall look forward to reading what interesting lives you all lead in comparison to mine.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

First Post

Well, I finally got a blog of my own!!
I figured as I'd started stealing my brother's constantly I really should start my own instead.
Thank you very much to my sister Sarah who due to her blogging prowess set me up with this one. You'd better read it now you told me to get it, is all I can say!
I've been out looking in charity shops today for a costume for my friend's murder mystery party. I'm a 'city slicker' sales rep and after various trips into Oxfam, Sue Ryder and Sobell House I EVENTUALLY found a light purple matching dress and jacket which is just perfect. Hooray! It did set me back £10 but I think for a suit its not that bad. Now all I have to do is find numerous accesories to make the outfit just right...
We had Biology in the courtyard at school today. Its SOOOOOOO hot in that building, its horrendous. Its alright for all you lucky adults and HE-ers, but for us poor school students stuck in a suffocating building...
But luckily, due to the fact that we did our exams recently, we're getting no homework so all I have to do this evening is read and eat stupid amounts of chocolate that Mum and Dad got me from Germany over the weekend! Yay!
But now I'm going to fiddle around on my brand-spanking-new blog!!