Well, I'll catch up quickly before we go off again tomorrow - at 3am, AGAIN - to France this time.
We had a really nice week in Poland. They have all these little nicknack stores and the stuff on them is really really cheap, which is cool. I bought 3 new bags and 2 new pairs of sandals - although the sandals were more of a necessity, really, because my feet were slowly being ripped to shreds in my old ones. I also got some really nice jewellery; a ring and 2 necklaces.
We were going round some unpronouncable town one day when we came to this stall selling DVDs. They were pretty much definitely pirated, but they're good quality pirated, and Dad bought Spiderman 2 for 5 pounds, which I think is pretty lucky because I'd been planning to go to the cinema and see it for that amount! Our Uncle Tom, who was there as well, bought Troy, so I stole it off him and watched it on Dad's laptop because that was another I hadn't got around to seeing in the cinema. Only that one showed more that it was a dodgy copy, because at the beginning when they have the brief history thing (which I presume when you have it on the English setting should be in English) it was all in French. Which was weird.
Anyway, the meetings were good too, but very loud. The Poles don't seem to be able to manage quiet worship. But hey, its fun.
So that was last week, and then next week we're at Euronet France, then on holiday for 2 more weeks. I don't know when I'll be able to post again, if I can I'll try on Dad's laptop, but
au revoir for now! (See - I'm in French mode already!!!)