Oopsydaisy, haven't written for...um...quite a while! Not much has happened though, really. School is as ever; we had the reunion weekend which was suitably manic, fun and exhausting. I did manage to spill wax all down my trousers at the alumni thing, but no worries it scraped off. Y11 took the assembly yesterday, and I am pleased to announce that it went far better than last time. The worship we'd actually practised for and sounded good, the drama we did was together, the Y10s who are going to France this week were dutifully prayed for, and Eddy Graham who spoke was excellent. Yay! Oh yeh, and we had a really odd ice breaker from our Mexican student Oscar - you had to taste different types of chilli powder or something....it definitely broke the ice! It was fun though, and even Mr Blakey said our worship was good so it must have been OK! Apart from that, nothing has been happening. Nothing is happening today either, except I have to go down to the library this morning but that only takes about 10mins. And I might go round to see my friend's new puppy this afternoon. Apparently its gorgeous. Oh, and there's always that RS homework I've been putting off...
I went to an open air performance of Romeo and Juliet yesterday with my class, because we're studying it this term. It was excellent actually, although they all doubled up because there weren't enough actors - there were only 2 women so Lady Montague just got dropped altogether! I really enjoyed it though, I love going to see Shakespeares because there are so many things you can do with the scripts; different interpretations and things like that. It was really funny as well, and the acting was quite good except for one guy who can't die realistically AT ALL, and ironically had to die twice. It was very amusing though, although Hannah and I got some strange looks when we laughed as he died! Apart from that I haven't done anything this weekend, I just watched T.V. all yesterday evening, I thought Louis Walsh was really mean just to leave that woman he was supposed to be taking out to dinner on X Factor yesterday! I'm going to go and cut up my chocolate brownies now, I got a bit bored this afternoon!
I am completely, utterly exhausted. Lately I'm waking up at 3:30 a.m. each day and not going back to sleep very quickly, which is really aggravating, actually. I'm pretty much the world's worst sleeper. But then today we had the 1st of 2 activity days during which I did fencing. It was fun, but very hot and so quite tiring. Tomorrow I'm doing canoeing, and then we're having a BBQ which I think I'm going to mess up by being the only vegetarian! School has been quite good so far - not that we've done much work as yet, what with the 2 days we're having at the moment. Then on Saturday we're going to see Romeo and Juliet in an open air theatre, so lots of fun to be had! And the week after that I expect will be manic due to the 20yrs reunion thing, and we (as Y11) are doing a bit to help so you never know. I was going to type more today, but I need to go now because I'm supposed to be meeting my mentor, so I'll catch up properly another time. And just to mention, we've had to stock up the girls' loos again already.
Well, we've had our first day back in school! Its really surreal to think that I'm in Y11 now; we're the oldest in the school, it is so odd. It means we're pretty much guaranteed a place on the hockey team though! It was quite a good day actually. I'm in Mr Goodchild's tutor group this year, which means that technically I'm supposed to write that I'm in Y11G. It was nice seeing everyone again though, especially the people who I haven't talked to all summer. We spent the first part of the morning doing admin-type stuff, but then we got into normal lessons. When I say normal, the work wasn't on the whole particularly taxing, especially not in Biology where we just did a silly little quiz. (Thank you Mr Blakey!) Although they hadn't managed to stock up the girl's loos with toilet paper properly, even though they've had all holiday; I went in at breaktime and 2 loos were empty. At lunch Harriet and I had to raid the stock cupboard for loo roll, hand towels AND soap, although we couldn't find any soap! But, overall, a good first day.
I am 17 and go to Sixth Form at Henry Box school in Witney. I live with my parents and brother, and I also have another brother and 2 sisters all of whom are married (with kids!)and live elsewhere.